Life can be just too much sometimes. It rains. Then it pours! You find yourself scratching your head, wondering who you are anymore. Did you even ever know? Is it depression? Anxiety? Are you living the wrong life? Something else altogether?
How did it get to this?
but after the
rain comes
the rainbow!
Using your innate creativity and a little love from me, you’ll get to know yourself like you never have before.
You’ll become your own best friend, your greatest cheerleader, your own coach. Trust me, You’ve got this!
Go grab your umbrella – we’re not waiting any longer – let’s dance!
Why Arts Therapy?
Arts therapy is using YOUR CREATIVITY to understand yourself better! Maybe art or movement, writing or music. The possibilities are endless. I’m open to it if you are!
You are a creative being! It’s crazy not to use that. Creativity can be life-changing and that is what you want, right? A change in your life? Together, we can do that!
“But I’m not artistic, I can’t draw, I’m not creative”. Well first: YOU ARE! And second: you don’t have to be. Art Therapy is about expression, and what the picture means to you not anyone else.

Why online?
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could just go to your computer and BOOM you’re with a counsellor you love, getting art therapy and counselling online and changing your life, Well … Hi! My name’s Dione!