Book now Free Intro session

Are you ready to meet me?

You can meet me for 30mins at no cost! Choose the Free Intro Session below (or email me if its not showing) and let’s do this!

If you are a NZ member of the Church of Jesus Christ you may be able to access funding through your Bishop.  Talk to me about this

You may qualify for funding through MSD, this can subsidise the cost of sessions.  You will need your GP and I to sign a form for you to submit to MSD, and you don’t need to be on a benefit to qualify. Talk to me about this too.

I am registered with ACC for sensitive claims.  If you have questions about how ACC works, whether you have had ACC counselling before or not, you can reach out and ask, or go ahead and book a free intro session.  We can figure it out together.  NOTE: I am not currently available for new ACC clients.  If you have a Lead Provider and want adjunct therapy with me, this may be possible!, email me!

What people are saying


When I first went to Dione, my life felt like such a disaster. She was able to help me see things as they really are, find and focus on what I really want.  I had been neglecting my creative side…


…her approach and the tools that she provided me with have been unparalleled.  She has really helped me find my purpose in life.  Before my sessions with her, I felt like I …


I’ve loved that she respects boundaries. Not once has she pushed me to share more information than I was ready to. She has always let me know that I can choose to answer a question or not, I can take her suggestion or not, and I can share – or not… 


…Nek minit I’m bawling my eyes out & the shapes I’m creating have meaning & the counselling gets right to my heart.

This woman has skills.

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Working with people in and out of New Zealand