Hi everyone, I just want to share something with you this morning to help with your self confidence. Of course it might not be morning when you see this, but it’s morning when I’m recording it.  This little, simple tip makes a surprising difference for me in my confidence.

Self confidence standing tall

I only really recognized it recently, but it really does work! When I stand tall, hold my head up high, I feel different. So when I’m lacking in confidence sometimes, and I remember, then I just sit up tall and stand or raise my head.  You  see, I tend to look down a lot of the time, when I’m walking around, when I’m not thinking about it much. What difference does it make, you ask?

Looking up I feel more positive

When I start looking up I instantly feel more positivity and confidence that I didn’t feel before.  I find that very interesting!  How could something that seems unrelated have such an immediate and positive effect on how I feel? I don’t know!  but I promise you it does!

I wonder if you feel the same! Does your posture and your stance affect your mood and the way you feel? Why don’t you carry out some experiments. Look for a time you aren’t feeling very confident, and actively make your body stand straighter, and raise your head.  Give it a try and see what you think. Because if it’s that simple – making myself stand tall and raise my head – if I can change my outlook and my confidence with people just by doing that, holy cow! Let’s do it! Let’s do it every day!

So have a try see what makes the difference for you. I’d love for you to tell me, send me a message, write in the comments, in the comments. I want to know! Have a great day.