I’ve made a bunch of videos today. You might notice a few videos wearing the same clothes. And it’s going well! I’m on a roll so I thought I should make another one. And there’s one thing that I’ve wanted to do a video on for a little while and that’s about breathing.

Breathing changes when you are anxious

When you’re anxious, especially when you’re anxious, but there’s lots of other times as well. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, when you’re feeling all in your head – you can do a little breathing exercise. You can do it anywhere, anytime and it can have such a good calming effect. It’s like taking a five minute, five minute?, maybe one minute! Vacation! I know we don’t use that word ‘vacation’ in New Zealand -holiday! It’s taking a 1 minute holiday. And just taking a break out of your regular life and I’m going on and on and I just wanted to get in and do the breathing activity!

Here’s a breathing exercise

So there’s lots of different ones, There’s no right way to do it. But the process of focusing on your breathing is helpful and relaxing. So. Let’s do it right now. Ok? Tae some deep breaths. In through your nose. And out through your mouth. Slowly and not going too fast, although you might find yourself breathing fast to start with, after a few breaths you should be able to slow it down. I think maybe I should do this video again because my voice is a little bit too fast and upbeat. Maybe I’ll do it again after but for now we’re just gonna do this.

Focus on your breath

So as you breathe in through your nose feel the air. Feel the air going in. How far up your nose can you feel that air? Is it warm or cold? and then out through your mouth. Blow it out gently. Blow out the tension, the anxiety, anything that’s bothering you. Blow it right away. As you’re blowing out, feel the air on your lips.

How does your body move as your breathe?

Feel your body move as you breathe in and out. Do you feel your chest rise and fall? Or do you feel your stomach move in and out? What do you feel? Your arms move? Does any other part of your body move as your breathe? Does your head move up and down maybe? There’s no right or wrong, we’re just noticing. 

Breathe out slowly

Try to make the breathing out take longer than the breathing in. That helps to release the tension a little bit. With each out breath, imagine the tension being released and blown away out of your body. Imagine each of your muscles relaxing, just a little bit more with each breath. Focus on the breathing. Maybe count slowly and how many counts in and how many counts out. Some breathing exercises telling you how many counts to do in and out. I sometimes find that a little difficult but the counting is the part that helps not how long it is. Maybe it’s different for some people, but not for me.

Do it for a minute or two

So breathe in and breathe out, just for a few minutes maybe even just one minute. Breathing in. Breathing out. I’m going to do some more videos about breathing where I haven’t got all the chitchat. Just talking you through it. Will that be helpful? Maybe.