Hey everyone. I was just talking to my daughter. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to use her name on here, but she did give me permission to tell the story.

So the story goes

She said: I wish I could draw faces like this!

And I said: Have you tried?

And she said: Yes! Don’t you remember in Sydney I had a face drawing phase.

In Sydney – you know – that was, oh, when she was about 10 years old, and she’s, I don’t know, 28? Yes, yes, she’s older than 28, and yes, I’m the kind of mother who doesn’t know how old their children are. We won’t go there. That’s not what this is about.

So I said to her: Of course! if you can do something at age 10 that totally decides whether you can ever do it again, in your lifetime, right?

She laughed at me of course.

What stories do you tell yourself?

But how often do we do that? We tried something once, it didn’t go well, we never try it again. And we convince ourselves: I can’t do that! I’m not good at that! Look what happened! 

It’s not good! Give yourself another chance! Give yourself a lot of ‘nother chances! Do not write your whole story on what happened when you were 10 years old! Now I’m gonna give you a little moment to think about that.

What stories you tell yourself do you need to re-write?

In what ways are you writing your story now, from things that happened when you were way, way young or even five or ten years ago? Pausing for effect. Okay. Time to make some changes ? I hope so.
That’s it for me Dione from After the Rain Arts Therapy Online.