Now I say that I work with people who have depression and anxiety and childhood trauma and I haven’t really talked about them very much. I don’t think I have. Maybe I have. Anyway I just want to talk to you a little bit about anxiety and how I recognized that anxiety was a problem for me.

I knew I was a worrier

I definitely recognized myself as a worrier. For a long time I’ve described myself as a worrier. But ‘anxiety’ didn’t click for me. I was a single mum and so I was always concerned about the safety of my children. I was sexually abused as a child so I was very concerned about things like that not happening to my children. I definitely always had the worst case scenario in my head. My mind would go off on crazy, crazy directions of what could possibly go wrong.

I’m worried about how worried I am

But it wasn’t until – I can’t even remember when, my kids were in high school and it doesn’t really matter when or how. But I remember writing a message to my sister. My sister who was a great, great supporter for me and a very important part of my life. And I wrote to her: I’m worried about how worried I am. And as I wrote that, I thought “that’s ridiculous!”. And it just all clicked and I realized that it wasn’t the things I was worrying about that were the problem, it was the fact that I was worrying so much that was the problem.

I identified anxiety

I recognized anxiety in my life and anxiety kind of holding me back. It started a chain of events to make changes. I couldn’t tell you: this meant that I did this one thing differently and everything changed, but like I’ve said before, and I’ll say again, you can’t change anything you don’t recognize and acknowledge. and this was the moment that I recognized that anxiety was a problem for me. I’m worried about how worried I am.

I wonder if anyone else has a similar experience. Are you worried about how worried you are? I think it’s time! It’s time to do something about it. and I wish you all the best. Have a look, there’s lots of good information online and there’s some pretty great counsellors online, who might be able to help. That’s it from me.