Today I want to share with you another lesson from my old scrapbooking pages.
Not the prettiest photos or page
Now I’m gonna show you a page which I quite like and it’s interesting because this page has nothing fancy in it. It has ugly photos of me, not pretty photos at all. Photos when I was overweight back in the old days.
It has my scribbly writing all over it. It has no fancy embellishments or expensive things. Got a few stickers. Evan the sentiment – the words – on it are nothing profound. There’s nothing special about it.
The individual parts make a beautiful whole
But as a whole I love it!. I love how it all comes together and for me the life lesson is that you don’t need anything too spectacular or special to be awesome – to have an awesome beautiful life. You can find the real genuine you, in the midst of a bunch of seemingly average parts. Find yourself in there
Do you get that connection? I hope you get it. My thinking is that you
can have an awesome beautiful life with nothing fancy, beautiful, expensive.
You don’t need any great worldly success. You don’t need anything like that.

Here’s the picture, again. Can you see what I mean? The photos are not pretty. It has lots of my scribbly writing on it. I don’t love my writing. There’s nothing in there that you could even begin to call perfect or even or straight. and that saying – your lips keep moving but all I hear is Bla Bla Bla. It isn’t profound or memorable at all.
And those photos! Such flattering facials!
But overall I love it
But overall I think it looks awesome. I love those pale green and pink papers and how the different patterns go together because the colours are the same. I love those hand drawn corner embellishments. I love the mixed letter stickers. I love the rough crooked hand drawn borders around the photos and each piece of coloured paper. Those are all clearly my distinctive art style. They are me!
I am quite renown for my absolutely terrible handwriting! So even the terrible scrawl is characteristically me! As terrible as this page may be judged, it includes characteristic parts of me that are truly me!
I can find myself in my artwork!
So – life lesson: It may be also art journaling lesson. It doesn’t have to be perfect! Doesn’t have to have all the perfect pieces to make a one great whole that is just fantastic. And your life doesn’t have to be perfect to be awesome, it can be made up of crappy or average parts, that come together to find the real you, the genuine self that feels right, and is perfect for you! YOu can have an awesome beautiful life with whatever you have got! You can find yourself in it!
So there you go, that’s my lesson. What do you think?