Anxiety is different for everyone. Really different. There’s lots of things that are the same for lots of people and you can find a list online of things that people have identified for themselves, that show that they have anxiety. You might resonate with lots of them. But it might be a little bit different for you and some of them might not ring a bell at all. And that’s okay.
What does it mean to have anxiety?
That doesn’t mean you don’t have anxiety. It’s not a badge of honor. It’s not a “yes I have anxiety!” or “No, I don’t have anxiety”. That’s not the point. The point is there are some strategies that can help you. And some healing can take place to help you be less affected by your anxiety.
I’m here to help you do that work if you want to. If you need somebody else, out of your comfort zone, out of your family and your friends, I’m here. Hopefully your family your friends can help you with that and that’s enough! That would be my preference.
Someone with a neutral perspective can help you figure it out.
But if you need more than that and you need a counselor or someone with a neutral perspective. Someone who’s not involved in your life, who you can explore with and say whatever you need to say, without them being hurt and having any long-term effects in your life. Sometimes that’s really helpful.
Then maybe I’m the one. Or maybe you can find another counselor who can help you with that. But having another perspective can be really helpful. And together we can identify the areas that are the most problematic and we can identify the strengths you have in other areas to help you with it. And put them together!
Change is possible! Anxiety is treatable.
You can feel better! You can be less affected by your anxiety. You can even get to a point where your anxiety doesn’t affect you at all.
I believe that. I absolutely believe that. So maybe the question is: Is it time for you yet?
And it’s okay if it isn’t. The time will come when you’re ready to face it and ready to make changes. And I’ll be here. You could reach out to me then or maybe you’ll find someone else. I truly believe that people cross your path at the right time for a reason.
And when the time is right for you, you’ll find the right person who can help you. And I wish you all the best.
Your life does not need to be as anxious and exhausting and difficult as it is now. I wish you all the best.
And if it’s me, great! Let’s meet! I can’t wait to meet you.
That’s it from me. Take care!