Hi again. You probably saw another video where I was showing you about my scrapbooking pages. There’s a few things in specific I want to share with you in this page. This page has some good examples in it that I wanted to share.
The background of this page is a plastic bag
So this page the whole background – that silver spirally thing? That was a plastic bag from a shop I bought some clothes in – actually I probably didn’t even buy the clothes, probably somebody else did. The lesson is that this page, and your life, it’s about making the most of what you’ve got and I think this is a great life lesson.
We don’t control the cards we’re dealt
We don’t have a lot of control over the cards we’re dealt. But we can do beautiful things with whatever we are dealt. So we can take the parts that we like and toss the rest, like I did with this bag. We can emphasize the parts that we like. We can cross out and cover over – cover is not the right word – change the things that we don’t like. This says I’ve come a long way, so where to from here? And I put on here a bunch of different things that I was thinking that were ahead at the time. One was getting a masters, which I’ve now done. One was have grandchildren, which I now have. Travel as much as possible, which I am planning to do very soon. Lots of happiness, mmm that’s ongoing. Peace, I feel more peace for sure. Lots of scrapbooking. Mmm as you can see from over 500 pages, there was lots of scrapbooking.
Make the most of your life
In the same way, you can take the good bits, (like opportunities for growth, education, hard work) and build on them. You can learn from the not so good bits (gain resilience, strategies for handling hard times, ways to keep yourself safe, how to recognise the people who are really good for you) and look for the silver linings. Whatever you are sent, make the most of them.
Take the time to dream ahead
Look forward, imagine the possibilities, be brave enough to go there, write things down and then watch as they happen! I just wanted to share, the lessons that come from art.