Lessons from the art journal
Hi everyone! This is Dione and I’m gonna show you another page from my art journal and just have a little talk. This is, I think, a really powerful question that I invite you to ask yourself.
No pressure to act, just notice
You don’t have to do anything about it. You don’t have to act on it. You don’t have to change anything. No pressure! I don’t believe in pressure. But it’s an important question to ask. What are you not doing because of fear? What are you not doing because of fear?
What do you want to do? What do you think would be good or effective or helpful to do? What do you think would be fun or bring great results – but you don’t do it because you’re scared?
You can’t change anything you aren’t aware of
All I’m inviting you to do is think about it. And maybe write a little list. You don’t have to do anything about it. You can’t change anything that you don’t recognise, that you don’t acknowledge. So let’s just think about it. What are you doing?
What are you not doing? – because of fear?
And then we’ll go from there – we’ll worry about the rest later. Just have a think. What is fear stopping you from doing? If you feel brave enough – you could reply in the comments. Tell me what you’re not doing because of fear. We could talk about. That would be interesting. Who’s gonna be brave?
Consider writing a list
It’s up to you! Maybe you will have a think or write a list for yourself. How interesting would it be to recognise all the times you are letting fear make the decision, and control the direction of your life?
Fear and anxiety
Could that be anxiety? Is it possible that anxiety is showing it’s ugly face making you fearful about things that you are totally capable of doing? Do you fear because you expect the worse possible outcome (but maybe the best possible outcome will happen!?) or do you fear because of what people might say (maybe they will say you are amazing!) or do you fear because you don’t want to fail (Edison says he didn’t fail but found 10,000 ways that didn’t work). Is the fear just lack of hope and confidence (otherwise known as depression)? Or is the fear saying something else?
What is your fear?
I’m gonna leave it at that. It’s a good question to ask, in my opinion. Have a great day.