Hello again! I’ve got another art journal page to share with you.

Definitions of happiness

This is, actually, I’ve got two quotes I want to share with you about happiness.

Happiness is a word I don’t really relate to. I prefer to use the word joy.

And I just don’t really get happiness. But I have thought about it a lot and I have done a lot of writing and so on about it. And I’ve got a couple of definitions, although this one isn’t really a definition, that I find really helpful.

So here it is: Happiness is more than the absence of pain and misery. What do you think? Happiness is more than the absence of pain and misery.

I think it is. I think there’s a big gaping hole in the middle between happiness and the absence of pain and misery.

There’s another one. And what’s the other one? Oh this is from Shawn Achor. He’s a like positive psychology writer person, who researches happiness. And he has my most favorite TED talk of all time.  You should definitely look that up. Seriously. I laughed out loud so many times and I don’t really do comedy, though comedy isn’t his only aim of course!  Anyway I love it.

Anyway we’re not gonna go there. This is his definition of happiness and he might have got it from someone else, I don’t know, don’t blame me for that one.

Happiness is the joy you feel while striving toward your potential.  What do you think of that one? I would really love to know: What’s your definition of happiness? 

Would you put it in the comments?

For you in your life, what is happiness?

I really, really want to know. And I promise I will reply to each one, although I don’t know if that is really an incentive for you to do it.

Okay. Thank you! Please, please, please, please, write and tell me what your definition of happiness is. I would love to know!