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I’m sorry you’ve gotten this far only to find out

I’m not able to take any new clients right now.

If you are contacting me about support through Aotea Family Support Group, please email me.

If you are a current client, look in your email – I’ve sent you a link where you can book.

If you’d like to be put on my waiting list or have any other questions, you can email me.

What people are saying


When I first went to Dione, my life felt like such a disaster. She was able to help me see things as they really are, find and focus on what I really want.  I had been neglecting my creative side…


…her approach and the tools that she provided me with have been unparalleled.  She has really helped me find my purpose in life.  Before my sessions with her, I felt like I …


I’ve loved that she respects boundaries. Not once has she pushed me to share more information than I was ready to. She has always let me know that I can choose to answer a question or not, I can take her suggestion or not, and I can share – or not… 


To all you lovely people,  my name is Nancy.  I have been very blessed to have worked with the most amazing woman, who through her gentleness, empathy and patience has transformed my ideas about life and how pain can be overcome with happiness.  I know you will benefit greatly engaging with her.  Fairy dust to you all!


…Nek minit I’m bawling my eyes out & the shapes I’m creating have meaning & the counselling gets right to my heart.

This woman has skills.

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Working with people in and out of New Zealand