About Dione Davies, online depression and anxiety counsellor nz

Hi!  I’m Dione

Yes! I’m an Arts Therapist.  And yes! I’m a counsellor.  And yes! I can work with you.  What?  That’s not enough info?

Only kidding, What do you want to know?  I’m not the cold, distant therapist who refuses to answer questions about themselves.  Working with me is going to be something different than you’ve ever done before!


I’m a single mother in my 50s, 4 kids, 6 grandkids. When you talk to me you’re talking to a sister, a daughter, a niece, an aunt, a grandmother, a friend, a supporter, a cheerleader (not the pompoms and cartwheels kind).   


I’ve known loneliness and low self-esteem. I’ve known depression and anxiety.

And I know change!  I know peace and I know moments of joy – many, many of them!

Some people want to know their counsellor has personal experience with their issues.   For this purpose here are some things I have experience with, either personally, with a close friend or family member or clients:

  • childhood sexual abuse
  • trauma
  • divorce
  • single parenting
  • twins
  • non-binary gender identity
  • gender and sexual orientation in a christian family
  • faith crisis
  • supporting friends in their faith crisis
  • christian faith
  • LDS faith
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • parenting 
  • parenting challenging children
  • parenting adult children
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • sensory processing difficulties
  • early returned missionary
  • post mission transition
  • studying as an adult
  • living internationally
  • third culture issues
  • cultural challenges
  • Moving house/location
  • unemployment and self esteem
  • multicultural marriage and family
  • digital nomad life
  • toxic work relationships
  • low self esteem
  • low confidence
  • work transitions
  • quitting a job
  • starting a business
  • online business


I believe creativity is ESSENTIAL for a balanced happy life. And I know it often gets squeezed out of our busy lives. I consider it my life’s work to help you put it back in!!


I know! I don’t look it! But my roots are with Ngatiwai and Ngati Rehua. I’ve also lived in Australia, South Korea and Tonga. So I have a very real awareness of what it means to be the minority and how our different cultures affect who we are.


I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. That means I believe in the power of spiritual things and that there is a power greater than myself at work in my life. It’s a big part of who I am, but it doesn’t mean you have to be the same. But if you’re open to spirituality then we can go there together, and it can make a huge difference.


Before COVID I travelled – a lot! And I hope that one day soon I will get to do that again.  I might be in NZ when we meet, or I might be in the States with my grandbabies, or I might be exploring a little town on the other side of the world. Thanks to technology it won’t make any difference to our work together!

I’m qualified too

I can work as a counsellor because I have a Bachelor’s degree in Counselling – Bachelor of Applied Social Science (Counselling)

And a Master’s degree in Arts Therapy – Master of Arts in Arts Therapy (Clinical)

I’m a registered Art Therapist with ANZACATA

I might be able to help you get some funding through WINZ or IAMHOPE if you qualify.

What people are saying


When I first went to Dione, my life felt like such a disaster. She was able to help me see things as they really are, find and focus on what I really want.  I had been neglecting my creative side…


…her approach and the tools that she provided me with have been unparalleled.  She has really helped me find my purpose in life.  Before my sessions with her, I felt like I …


I’ve loved that she respects boundaries. Not once has she pushed me to share more information than I was ready to. She has always let me know that I can choose to answer a question or not, I can take her suggestion or not, and I can share – or not… 


To all you lovely people,  my name is Nancy.  I have been very blessed to have worked with the most amazing woman, who through her gentleness, empathy and patience has transformed my ideas about life and how pain can be overcome with happiness.  I know you will benefit greatly engaging with her.  Fairy dust to you all!


…Nek minit I’m bawling my eyes out & the shapes I’m creating have meaning & the counselling gets right to my heart.

This woman has skills.

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Working with people in and out of New Zealand