How we'll work
You’re lost and confused, depleted and exhausted. But that’s about to end! This is going to be different than you’ve ever done before!
It’s time to find yourself!
THAT’s the work we’ll do together in our Arts Therapy. Our creative work will help you remember (or identify) your strengths and values, your boundaries and abilities – your true AWESOMENESS.

It doesn’t matter what led you to lose yourself. If it’s depression or anxiety or stress. Grief or trauma. Parenting or relationship troubles. I’m only interested in finding what will make an actual difference in your life.
I KNOW when you really know yourself, and you are your own best friend, you’ll be more than capable of reaching your potential – whatever that is for you.
It may take time and hard work, but sometimes it all just falls into place.

No two people are the same. No two solutions are the same. As you come to fully express your situation, background and dreams for the future, we’ll discover everything we need to know to make the changes and get you there. And YOU will be in the driver’s seat as much as possible.
Sometimes you’ll want me to drive and thats ok, I’ve had a licence for a long time. A driver’s licence I mean – that was a joke. With Art therapy, together WE CAN DO THIS!

A session could start with some artwork you made in the 10 mins before our session, or we might have specific goals we set previously.
You might do some writing during the session, or we might incorporate some movement. I’ll encourage you to venture out of your comfort zone, but I won’t push you (unless you ask me to!).
This will be like no other counselling or self improvement you’ve ever tried before! Are you ready for something new?

There might be some depression, Anxiety or Childhood Trauma underneath how you’re feeling. Maybe you’ve lost your boundaries or fear of failure is paralysing you. You’ve lost yourself but we’re going to figure this out and find you again!

Do you already know this is what you need…
but you’re just stalling/scared/freaking out? How about we meet online, no obligation, no charge. See if you like me, if you feel comfortable. I promise I’ll give you an easy out, if you choose not to continue.