Anxiety Overly Worried Overthinking The downward spiral Stress Bad nerves Whatever you call it
You live with a lot of fear. And self doubt. You worry excessively and you always have the worst case scenario in your mind. Your mind – it NEVER stops. And what it is saying is never helpful. Your heart races, you tremble and it feels like you’re going to pass out, or die! Sometimes you avoid things you actually quite like to do, because its just easier to not go there. And it’s exhausting.
Can it even be different to this? YES! In our online counselling for anxiety, you can learn how to stay calm. You can learn how to have courage to try new things. You can change your thinking patterns and you can feel different about yourself. This is the work we will do.
What people think
Lots of people think anxiety isn’t really a thing. That its all in your head or you are just be overly dramatic.
They say, just dont worry about that! Calm down, they say. Just make yourself do it!
You are actually pretty good at hiding how you feel and lots of people don’t really know what’s going on for you. They can’t even imagine what it’s really like to live your life!
What anxiety is telling you
Anxiety wants you to think you can’t do it, you are not worth it, you’ve tried and failed too many times, its just not worth even trying. It wants you to believe noone likes you and noone ever will. It wants you to believe nothing can change and EVERYTHING is scary!
Anxiety does not want you to be calm and sensible. It does not want you to take any risks, even the risk of challenging the anxiety itself. But anxiety is wrong!
What Dione thinks
Anxiety can be sparked by any number of experiences. Your mind learned to protect you from unsafe situations, but it got out of control. I need you to know – anxiety is ABSOLUTELY treatable.
We can use your creativity to get a good understanding of how YOUR anxiety works, and we can work a plan to change the negative thinking. Some mindfulness is very helpful, as is CBT. It’s time to try something new!

Some websites you might find helpful
Noise in your head
A set of 6 short videos with a powerful approach to approaching your anxiety. Recommended!
Can Art Therapy help?
Another perspective about using art therapy to help with anxiety
What causes anxiety?
A basic overview of some of the current thinking about anxiety
Art therapy and anxiety
3 art therapy excercises that can help
Anxiety vs depression
What are the similarities and differences? and what does that mean?

My thoughts on anxiety

What do you think?
Maybe we can work together, maybe we’re not the right match. Is online counselling for anxiety right for you? We won’t know until we talk. Book in an ‘Intro’ and let’s see what you think.