Art supplies and Art making in session
Art making in session
Art making is just one of the creative things we can use in our online art therapy to get to know you and find paths to the new life you are seeking.
You don’t need to have any particular skill in drawing or creativity to use art (or other creative methods) in our work together. The meaning that the image and/or process has for you is so much more important than the finished product. If you have fears or concerns about artmaking, we will talk about it in our first session. I have a few exercises that can help to get your started and see if you like it or not.
You’ll have many options in our online art therapy work together:
Then you’ll need supplies
The bare minimum
- Plain copy paper
- An art pad
- An art journal with blank pages
Something to make marks with such as
- Oil Pastels*
- Ball point pens
- Pencils
- Color pencils
- Crayons of any kind
*My preferred basic art supply are OIL PASTELs. They are easily managed by most people, are vibrant and smooth and can be manipulated in several ways. You can probably find a pack of 12 or 24 quite cheaply at an art supply, stationary or toy shop.
Also these might be handy:
- newspaper to put under your artwork
- baby wipes or a damp cloth to clean your hands afterwards.

The next level
You can gather anything you might feel like using. There are no rules, and I encourage you to trust your gut. What do you feel drawn to? You do not need all of these materials, and you may gather materials as time goes on. Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Magazines, scissors, glue stick for collage
- Paints (acrylic, watercolor or gouache), brushes
- Modeling clay such as playdoh, plasticene, air dry clay, or artist’s clay
- Mixed media supplies such as found objects, leaves, flowers (real or artificial), wool, string, alphabet and word stickers, bling, glitter, ribbons, glue
- Wire, pipe cleaners