Depression Feeling down Feeling sad The black dog My nemesis A dark cloud Whatever you call it
You’re not really sure when it started but one day you realised things had changed. You didn’t enjoy life anymore. Everything seemed so much harder. There didn’t seem any point in making the effort any more. Sometimes it’s so bad you can’t get out of bed. Sometimes you can hide it so well, no one really knows what’s going on.
But it isn’t here forever. You might not believe that, and you might need to let me believe it for you for a while. But I do believe it. We’ll find YOU again, along with resources you never knew you had. We’ll use them to make positive and helpful changes one step at a time. I’m right here with you until we find your way out. We’ve got this!
What other people think
Some people think its just sadness and that you can WILL yourself out of it. Or they think you should be happy because X Y and Z. Some are scared and just stay away.
Others are better. They are patient, sometimes. They want to know what they can do to help, but you don’t know how to explain.
What Dione thinks
It’s complex and individual. Sometimes medication helps. I believe talking ALWAYS helps. But it is the expressing part that I believe in. And there are ways to express ourselves other than talking. It is in the process of fully acknowledging and expressing your relevant experiences and knowing yourself in new ways that you can find a way to break free.
Understanding your history, your coping strategies, your triggers as well as your power, your values, your strengths is the way out! Online counselling for depression will help!

Some links to websites you might find helpful
What depression feels like
A slide show of 10 quotes of how some people describe depression.
What's the best treatment?
Answers from a respectable American organisation, written in 2017
A great website for the NZ context
Beyond Blue
Great website with Australian perspective
An online depression assessment
Get an idea of if you meet the general criteria for depression
What can I do on my own?
Some basic ideas for fighting depression on your own. These are definitely worth a good try!

My thoughts about depression:
Want to talk about your experience?
Maybe we can work together, maybe we’re not the right match. Will online counselling for depression be right for you? We won’t know until we talk. Book in an Intro and let’s see what you think.