Childhood trauma Hard childhood Sexual abuse Abuse Whatever you call itChil
What other people think
Sometimes people say that if bad things happened when you were just little, you won’t remember them and they can’t affect you. They think it happened so long ago, even if it did have an effect you should be over it by now.
People might think you are unreliable, or unpredictable, or notice that you keep big walls up to keep others at a safe distance. Some people might even recognise you as a victim and put you in that role again and again.
What Dione thinks
What happens in our childhood sets the foundation for the rest of our personality and character to be built on. It affects the person we become. Humans are GREAT at finding ways to cope! But sometimes those coping strategies no longer help us. They can stop us from moving ahead, having the relationships we want, being the person we want to be!
It might be painful to go there, but just like a physical infection, it needs to be healed properly from the inside out. Just remember! You will not be alone on this journey! I will be right there with you.
The work we will do in our online counselling for sexual abuse and other childhood traumas, in finding and growing the real YOU, will be essential to this healing. I know you can do this. I know your life can become what you want it to be.
We’re going to deal with this in a way that is different than you’ve tried before. Are you ready for a new way of living?

Some websites you might find helpful
The effects of childhood trauma
A good overall introduction
Long term effects of abuse
A long read but not too hard to understand.
What is trauma?
A general over view of the symptoms of trauma
How can Art Therapy help with trauma
A look at one art therapy approach to trauma
6 areas to consider to address trauma
Quite long, but thought provoking read.
An art therapy approach to addressing sexual abuse
A look at a program for addessing sexual abuse using art.

My thoughts on sexual abuse and other childhood trauma

Want to talk about your experience?
Maybe we can work together, maybe we’re not the right match. Is online counselling for sexual abuse right for you? We won’t know until we talk. Book in for a free introductory session and let’s see what you think.